Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Humans are becoming more like robots everyday. Eat, work/school, sleep, repeat. You may get the occasion interaction with other human-droids, or maybe you'll just whip out your device. Pulling my smartphone out of my pocket has become second nature for me. I'd say it's probably easier than breathing. If anything starts to get even remotely boring at school. *BAM* I flip my phone out of my pocket faster than a teacher can tell me to put it away. Even if i'm not actually using my phone for anything. Just having that glowing screen gives that robot-like side of me comfort. 

I'm going to have to break these habits of mine if I don't want to succumb to the ever growing anti-social robot army the world is becoming.

The first place I would start in becoming more human is doing the unique and unexpected. Changing up daily habits, and taking risks you normally wouldn't do on a daily basis would definitely bring a more human approach to life. It would not have to be something incredibly huge. No one needs to start out big. Taking even a small step can lead to a much greater existence. Put your smartphones away when you walk down the halls. Instead of awkwardly passing by strangers, and avoiding eye contact at all costs, give a smile or maybe even a wave (Only for the daring). 

Humans are a very special type of animal. 
To be human is to be AWARE. Realizing you are not alone. 
You are in this world for a reason. Your flaws are your strengths. 
Nobody is the same. You matter. Become known. 
Become you.  

Eat, work/school, sleep, love, thank, enjoy, cherish, imagine, create, discover, build, form, invent, taste, struggle, help, endure, reason, bond, write, experience, question...(and infinitely more.)


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