Sunday, October 12, 2014

How to sew a broken teddy bear

Sewing is not all that hard.
You only really need a few things.

A needle, fabric, string, love, and maybe a few patches of the past.

Explain to me why you'd buy a new teddy bear, when you have all the necessary ingredients sitting around you?

My teddy bear is broke and you say it's not.

It's not broke. That's just how it is. But could you explain why you're unhappy?

 I'll be leaving soon and this is how you want me to leave this fantastic, gnarly, broke, crust of a teddy bear?

 I want to say so much, but I am at the unfortunate stage of life where my thoughts don't meet my sentences.

Words don't meet my actions.

And I don't meet your expectation. Your expectations. 

But that's okay. Because I know the secret to fixing a broke teddy bear. You only need a needle, fabric, string, love, and some high hopes for the future.

Even in your darkest days. I know i'll be able to find you, and you'll know exactly who I am.

In a crowd of people I will be the one holding up your broken teddy bear. And everyone else's broken teddy bears. Since nobody knows how to fix them.

Everyone is waiting, Everyone is waiting. 

But that's okay. I am more happy then I've ever been. We are capable of waiting.
 Time is best spent hoping.

Heal my broke teddy bear please. There are so many more steps to this then I thought.


  1. "We are capable of waiting. Time is best spent hoping."

    Such a fantastic line. #stolen

  2. "Heal my broke teddy bear please." Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. #stolen
